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 "Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ." 1 Corinthians 12:12 NIV



Mario Algarin & Tania Quiñones-Algarin

Ten years before they were called to establish Reflection Church Orlando, Pastor Mario and Pastor Tania dedicated their time to serve at their home churches in various areas, including youth ministry, children's ministry, worship team, audio/visual, bible study teachers, and deacons. Pastor Mario is dedicated to teaching Kingdom living through the Word of God. Pastor Mario and Pastor Tania have been married for 12 years, have 2 children and have a passion to re-establish the family unit through teaching biblical principles and by being an example first.


R Youth Team

Rene, Joel, Tamara, Priscila, Tania

“R Youth” teachers and leaders possess a desire to teach God’s Word to teens so that a strong foundation faith is built in their lives. These teachers have a desire to help teens be Kingdom Minded and live a life loving Jesus, unashamed!


Worship Team

Tania, Joel, Christian, René, Tamara, Emilee, Yanely, Jazmine, Victor, Mateus, Maeson, Jeanette

This wonderful group of individuals come together using their God-given talents to lead us in praise and worship. 

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Media Team

Natalya, Jimmy Jr., Ken, Waqar, Jay, Jimmy Sr., Marysabel, Margie, Jeanette

This collective group is behind our live streaming, our social media, and our communications, reaching the world through digital evangelism.

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R Kids Team

Mateus, Jesse, Mason, Yanay, Chloe, Jayliz, Tania

“R Kids” teachers and leaders teach children about the love and the goodness of God. These teachers have a desire to ensure that children know the truth about who Jesus is and teach them to love God in confidence and unashamed! 

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Welcome Team

Edwin, Wanda, Anna, Carmen, Brenda, Maritza, Gizelle, Priscila, Yanely, Jimmy, Mason

From the moment you walk in the door, this team welcomes you home with a smile and a hug! They'll answer any questions and make your day with a special gift.


Security Team

Ivan, Jimmy, Rob

This courageous group have been called to work behind the scenes, making sure we are all safe.

112 S Semoran Blvd., Orlando, FL 32807


© 2022 by Reflection Church Orlando. All Rights Reserved


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